ISIS News & Updates: Teenage Yazidi Girl Recounts Sex Slavery, Beat-Ups At The Hands Of Terrorist Group

A Yazidi teenage girl has recounted the sexual slavery and physical abuse she suffered from ISIS. The girl said she was kidnapped and trafficked by the terrorist group's new Jihadi John, the British jihadist Siddhartha Dhar.

Nihad Barakat said she was just 16 years old when she, along with 27 of her family members, were taken by ISIS fighters two years ago in Sinjar, Iraq, the Independent reported. In March, Barakat recounted the beat-ups and sexual abuses she suffered at the hands of ISIS. She was also forced to marry the infamous Australian and ISIS extremist Abdul Salam Mahmoud.

Barakat escaped the clutches of Mahmoud when he died, but was recaptured by ISIS when she tried to contact her family in Kirkuk, a city in the northern part of Iraq. After her second capture, Barakat became pregnant. This time around, she ended up in the hands of another ISIS militant -- Dhar, who also goes by the nickname Abu Rumaysah and Saiful Islam.

Dhar is believed to be the replacement of Mohammed Emwazi, the Jihadi John who beheaded ISIS' captives in several propaganda videos of the terrorist group. Emwazi was killed in an air strike in 2015.

Dhar was formerly a British Hindu prior to his conversion to Islam, the Independent wrote. He was arrested six times in the United Kingdom, and managed to evade authorities when he traveled to Syria in 2014 with his wife and children to join ISIS.

ISIS Believes Yazidi Captives Deserve Their Cruelty

Barakat is working alongside the AMAR Foundation to urge officials to do more to help her fellow Yazidis from ISIS' clutches. Barakat's second escape was facilitated by CYCI, a Canadian charity, which pays local agents to save Yazidis from ISIS. The terrorist group considers Yazidis as unbelievers, and that they deserve to be enslaved, raped and beaten.

Nadia Murad, one of the survivors of sexual slavery from ISIS militants, said thousands of Yazidi women and young girls were turned into sexual slaves by the terrorist group. Murad said ISIS fighters force their captives to pray before raping them -- sometimes by groups of men, the Sun reported.

ISIS Circumvents Islamic Law For Sexual Abuse

Authorities believe there are still more than 3,000 Yazidi women in ISIS' custody, according to Daily Mail. Islam law dictates that a man can't rape a woman if she is with a child. ISIS militants, however, sidestep this law by forcing their female captives to take contraceptive pills or receive birth control injection. If the women are pregnant, they were forced to undergo painful abortions.

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