This Woman Is Teaching The Right Way To Talk To Children About Sexual Abuse

Lauren Book is the founder of Lauren's Kids, a South Florida-based organization that aims to prevent childhood sexual abuse. Book has also created a curriculum that helps teach young kids about sexual abuse and how to overcome it.

The curriculum known as "Safer, Smarter Kids" was created by Book's organization which helps educate young students about sexual abuse and the correct way to talk about the sensitive subject. The curriculum teaches kids to identify behaviors that make them feel unsafe and uncomfortable.

Book also explains that the program teaches kids how to access help when uncomfortable situations do happen to them. The curriculum also introduced the idea of their "trusted triangle" which composes of three adults whom they can turn to when they want to talk about something important whether it be an inappropriate event or a bad dream.

The organization also teaches parents and teachers how to spot signs of sexual abuse, according to Huffington Post. Book explains that she herself was sexually abused between the ages of 11 and 16 years old.

The reality is that child sexual abuse happens at every socioeconomic level, across cultural, religious and ethnic lines. About 90 percent of the time, sexual abuse victims personally know their offenders in some way.

The fact that 95 percent of sexual abuse is preventable through education and awareness is what pushed Book to start Lauren's Kids. The non-profit foundation works to block abuse, even before it begins, according to WLRN.

Book clarifies that introducing the topic of sexual abuse is not a way to invoke fear in children. Instead, the organization encourages kids to speak up to ensure that their voice matters.

Books explain that the organization is not about scaring children, but empowering them to use their voices to feel safe. From there, they become better citizens, classmates, students and kids by knowing that they can use their own voice to feel and stay safe.

"Safer, Smarter Kids" has been circulated to every public kindergarten classroom in South Florida. The curriculum has also been implemented in Miami-Dade County and Broward school districts. Fortunately, the program has been shown to increase knowledge and personal safety information by 77 percent.

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