New mothers breastfeeding their baby know the challenges that come with it all too well. Apart from producing enough milk, moms also experience difficulty and pain when the baby doesn't latch correctly. This frustration pushes some moms to give up on breastfeeding altogether. However, help could be on the way with this new gadget that promises to make breastfeeding a lot easier.
Called MomSense, this breastfeeding gadget was developed by an Israeli startup company to help mothers stick with their natural feeding plan. MomSense looks and works like a regular pair of headphones that can be attached to any type of tablet or smartphone. In the middle of the wire is a patch that is supposed to attach to the baby's earlobe. This helps the mom tell if the baby is actually getting milk from her breast as the patch will amplify the baby's sound as she swallows.
"Mothering through breastfeeding is the most natural & effective way of ..." #LaLecheLeague #Breastfeeding
— Momsense (@my_momsense) April 28, 2016
MomSense As A Helpful Feeding Monitor
Moms can monitor every feeding with the MomSense app, which can be downloaded for both iOS and Android operating systems, per its official site. From their phones, moms can check their breastfeeding activity as an animated display charts the baby's feeding patterns. After nursing the baby, the gadget will also log how much milk she has drank.
MomSense CEO Osnat Emanuel believes that the device is not just a monitor for breastfeeding and milk consumption. "It allows a mom to develop a sense of how her baby is feeding," said Emanuel via Fast Company. "In one or two sessions, she knows to identify how her baby's swallow sounds." The breastfeeding gadget is already at Target stores and retails for $89. Baby Center reports that eventually, the device might find its way on the shelves of other big retailers.
Demo the Smart Breastfeeding Meter before you buy. As intuitive as Mother Nature and here's why! Watch video:
— Momsense (@my_momsense) April 29, 2016
MomSense, A Dangerous Device?
However, despite its offer for convenience, some moms have misgivings about using a breastfeeding gadget while feeding. "Mothers have been nursing without such devices since forever," said one commenter via Baby Center. "The inherent dangers of such is that you will stop responding to your baby's needs and feed based on what the machine is telling you."
What is your take on MomSense? What are the other advantages and disadvantages you see from using a breastfeeding device? Watch the video below for more breastfeeding tips: