Three Benefits Of 'Advance Maternal Age' That Would Make Mothers Rejoice; No. 2 Is Almost Impossible

Women who are pregnant after they reached the age of 35 are said to encounter more problems linked to her pregnancy. Among these are the chances of premature delivery, heart-related issues, placental abruption and even a chance of having a child with Down Syndrome. However, there are still some things to look forward to.

The bottom line is women who enter advanced maternal age are more likely to be high risk to experience a lot of negative things during pregnancy. But that's not to say women should avoid getting pregnant once they hit 35. Here are three benefits that advanced maternal age could bring to a woman and her unborn child:

1. They Tend To Age Slowly

Apparently, getting pregnant at 35 and above could serve as the fountain of youth. Studies say that advanced maternal age has the possibility to disrupt the process of aging. This simply means that late pregnancy could delay your aging process.

2. Long Life

Believe it or not, but studies also indicate that women who are pregnant at 35 and above could live longer and even healthier. This could happen given that the mother doesn't have diabetes and she remains healthy and fit throughout the pregnancy. She also must not have hypertension nor has a history of pre-term labor.

3. Stress Less

For some reason, moms who get pregnant at 35 and above are calmer than the ones who give birth at a younger age. One of the reasons behind it is that they are already mature enough to handle motherhood.

If you are someone who is expecting a baby on the way at the age of 35, you can now keep calm and relax because you will be just fine. Share this information with your loved ones and friends. Find out more about advanced maternal age by watching the video below:

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