As the National Infertility Awareness Week celebration came to an end last April 30, there's still a need for continued awareness about the disease. More than anything, people dealing with infertility need sympathy and understanding from others as they overcome their disappointments and feelings of isolation.
1 in 6 couples struggle with #infertility. Join us on May 12 to share your stories and find support. #ciaw
— Today's Parent (@Todaysparent) May 9, 2016
Although most of the time others mean well, there are things that are just better left unspoken. Admittedly, there are also things that are helpful, tactful and compassionate to say to someone struggling with infertility. Here's a quick guide on what not to say to someone dealing with infertility.
1. 'Just Relax' or 'Stop Trying So Hard'
It's not just easy to calm down after a pile of failed tests stare back at you. These are trigger words for making the woman feel adequate. Instead of making them more relaxed, it can create the opposite effect. Most of the time infertility is a physical problem and has nothing to do with being not relaxed.
2. 'It Was So Easy For Me To Get Pregnant!' Or Something Like 'Is It Him Or You?'
Shoving the issue right into the face is not just an ideal topic of conversation, especially as sensitive as infertility. Instead of trying to know the private story or shove your success story right into their faces, act interested and ask them information about the condition.
3. 'There Are Worst Things That Could Happen' Or 'At Least You Don't Have A Sick Baby'
It's hard to determine the level of severity of a situation. People react differently to different circumstances. One cannot just choose between infertility and a sick baby. This is just cruel.
4. 'If You Just Lose Some Weight, It Would Probably Happen'
Instead of sounding a doctor, offer to be an exercise buddy to her. Yes, losing weight may result to positive effects but again, you don't need to shove it to their faces. Infertility is a myriad of complications and not just caused by excess weight alone.
5. 'Not Everyone Is Meant To Be Parents' Or 'Why Don't You Adopt Instead'
You just made their efforts seemed useless. Don't try to predict what will happen. Also, adoption is not the only solution to infertility. More so, don't ever mention that God doesn't want them to become parents. Infertility is a medical condition and not some kind of a punishment from God or Mother Nature.
It takes a second or so to consider the impact of your words. More tips on the video below: