For most people, the symptoms of an asthma attack are fairly obvious, especially when it comes to children. However, a new survey has revealed that adults aren't always aware that it is happening to them as well and this is preventing some patients from seeking proper asthma treatments. What are these hidden signs of an asthma attack?
The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology enumerates the most common asthma symptoms to include coughing, breathing difficulties, tightness of the chest, wheezing and shortness of breath. These signs demand immediate attention because it can lead to serious health problems or fatal consequences. However, Dr. David Beuther of the National Jewish Health said that adults also experience asthma without knowing that this is the case and it is happening among many patients.
Hidden Asthma Symptoms For Adult-Onset Asthma
Participants in the survey done by Beuther have identified what they believe to be asthma symptoms. About 89 percent said that shortness of breath is the number one indicator. However, only a little over half of the participants considered sleeplessness (51 percent) and chest pains (54 percent) as asthma symptoms. They also failed to consider chronic or persistent cough (65 percent) as a sign.
Instead, most survey participants believe that chronic cough is an indicator of bronchitis and not asthma. "It's more common than not that my patient is surprised to hear that a chronic cough or recurring bronchitis is actually asthma," said Beuther. Adult sufferers usually treat their cough with medicines for bronchitis when they should be taking asthma medications like an inhaler. The lack of awareness is not helping adults get their asthma under control since they don't seek specialists. Hence, the coughing recurs.
What happens in the lungs during an asthma episode? Learn more about #asthma symptoms:
— AAFA National (@AAFANational) May 11, 2016
Asthma Symptoms Not Always Textbook Cases
"It's not rare that your asthma doesn't present like the textbook," Beuther said, per EurekAlert. "To the patient or perhaps the primary care provider, things that seem like a very unusual set of symptoms for asthma are actually quite common," the doctor added. "That is why you often need a specialist to diagnose and treat it."
Beuther's survey also showed that adult-onset asthma is increasing when it used to be regarded as a childhood condition. Each year, 200 adults are diagnosed with asthma for the first time.
So, what do you think of the results of this survey? Let us know in the comments!