A French gaming distributor reportedly hinted that the PS4.5 or PS4 NEO could be out before the PlayStation VR. Innelec Multimedia, a video game supplier in France, suggested that the upgraded console, also known as the PS4 NEO, could be in stores sometime September as Sony has already set the launch of the PlayStation VR this October.
Video Gamer reports that Innelec Multimedia apparently made the statement when it released its financial year report for April 2016 to March 2017. It also included a projection of its earnings in the upcoming fiscal year, noting the PS4 NEO and the PlayStation VR's release dates. French site Otaxou cites that the projections are for dates before October, thus, an assumption was hatched that the PS4.5 could arrive before the PSVR.
A French distributor says PS4.5 will be released by September https://t.co/Up0FVwATy5 pic.twitter.com/Vm4qmO0Hub
— IGN (@IGN) May 13, 2016
Sony Keeping Quiet About PS4.5 Or PS4 NEO
Sony has not made any official announcements regarding the PS4.5 nor PS4 NEO, despite hints and buzz that the company is making it. No one knows if such a device actually exists as Sony has said that the current PS4 is still a capable and powerful machine.
However, game chip maker AMD has confirmed that they are working with console developers like Sony and Microsoft for upgraded units, Parent Herald previously reported. An executive of GameStop, a popular gaming retailer in the U.S. and U.K., has also stated the PS4.5 console will be coming, via another Parent Herald report.
À propos de la PS4 neo 4k qui sortirait en septembre 2016 : nous avons contacté Innelec Multimedia, ils démentent.
— Jeuxvideo.com (@JVCom) May 13, 2016
Innelec Multimedia Issues Denial Regarding PS4.5
But as news of Innelec Multimedia's statement is spreading like wildfire among excited gamers, the company was forced to issue a denial to correct the rumors. "Innelec denies any official information about the launch of a PS4K Neo," the company announced in an official statement per Agence Francaise. "It is possible that during the 2016/2017 fiscal developments exist on the current PS4 without for the moment we have no information about the nature of them."