West Point Cadet Caught On Video Doing Something Else During Graduation March, Cadet’s Behavior Criticized

A video of the military students marching in Michie Stadium for the 218th United States Military Academy Graduation and Commissioning Ceremony on Saturday is quickly gone viral on social media. A cadet woman from West Point is caught holding her phone and texting while striding, which sparks criticisms.

According to NBC4i, a clip shared on West Point - The U.S. Military Academy's Facebook page meant to share the graduation march of the graduating cadets. However, it made noise by catching a girl looking down on her phone than doing a straight face.

At 50-second mark, the female military student is busy fiddling her phone while still in line with other fellow cadets and tramping. Hence, this ignites a lot of criticisms by other Facebook users saying she lacks discipline and respect for the military academy.

Others believe that the use of mobile phone while doing the march is only a significant violation and they are more criticizing the cadet women. "As a veteran, I want to know why the cadets are allowed to use cell phones while in formation?" one Facebook user commented, as per Fox News Insider.

The female user named Shirley Smith added that she is quite embarrassed to see a fellow woman and the new military standards. She also described that it looks like the girl is not respecting her uniform.

Another woman one congratulated all the graduates but pointed out that some cadets should know how to appreciate their uniforms and used it for a greater cause. She continued that the female cadet use of a what appears to be a smartphone is irrational unless it concerns the U.S. security.

"...what's wrong with this military and government," another man shared. He disclosed that a military march is beyond the usual college graduation and he saw that there is no "military pride or discipline" in the event.

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