Parenting Tips: The Shocking Truth About Baby's Teething

Parents are often faced with a lot of myths while their baby is growing up. From teething to their walking that is linked to them being a future genius, there are just so many that could make parents be paranoid and assume the worst that could happen to their child. It is important to be aware of these myths and debunk them, so you know the difference between facts and pure theory.

One of the most common myths in taking care of a baby involves the "teething" stage. Apparently, in an article published by SF Gate, there is no such thing as "teething." A dentist has debunked it saying that children don't go through that stage when parents expect their kids to experience fevers and sleepless nights due to the pain from teething. Their teeth could come in without them having to feel those unnecessary pains. Babies are simply going through some developmental stages that affect their behavior, which just happens to be linked to teething. In reality, teething is completely not the reason for such behavior.

A photo posted by Amanda (@nestnfeather) on May 25, 2016 at 2:40am PDT

Teething is just one of the myths that parents have to deal with in raising their kids. But it is not the only thing that could make a parent go paranoid while watching their child go through some changes. Others involve the way their child walks saying that their baby is a future genius if they started walking early. We hate to break it to you, but there is no truth to that as well. Another one is when kids are listening to classical music. It almost sounds like a legend to say that the said activity could make a child smarter. The truth is having a child learn a musical instrument could improve their cognitive skills.

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