Women's Health: What is Endometriosis ?

Endometriosis is a medical condition which affects the women's fertility and pregnancy stages. It is a chronic disorder which causes pelvic pains among women.

Though most women haven't heard of the condition, endometriosis plagued women with fertilization complications and chronic pain during their period. Almost six million, which is around 4 percent of the total population of females in the United States, are affected with endometriosis.

According to Endometriosis Online, endometriosis is often taken neglected as some woman diagnosed with the disease does not know they have it. Women affected with it may experience severe cramps during her period, pain during sex, infertility and fatigue.

Women with endometriosis are prone to having yeast infections, allergies and they are highly sensitive to chemicals. Endometriosis may affect millions but its main cause is still not distinguished. It affects women as young as 14, while others experience it during their menopausal years.

Though most doctors would provide over the counter pain killers, Mayo Clinic noted that it may no longer work for some. It was mentioned that the intense pain can no longer be alleviated by over the counter pain killers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

There are numerous treatment options, and the most common is through birth control pills. Injectables and IUD can help correct the condition as well. If endometriosis would not be eliminated through pills, a surgery may be required.

Endometriosis can trigger the extremes. As some would experience nosebleeds and severe migraines, there are those who would only experience muscle cramps. Other women with the condition might need to undergo surgery due to the unbearable pain that they may experience.

Laparoscopy needs to be done in having endometriosis diagnosed. It is a surgical procedure wherein a camera is being used to examine the individual's abdomen and also extract a tissue sample. Ultrasound is also another option to diagnose the condition.

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