Amber Heard Charged with Domestic Violence Back in 2009: What Could This Mean for Her Case Against Johnny Depp?

Amber Heard has been in the news recently after making accusations of domestic abuse against her now ex-partner Johnny Depp. This is deeply saddening news if proven to be true, but according to E! News Heard was also on the flip side of this coin way back in 2009.

Reports state that Heard was arrested in 2009 after she hit her then-girlfriend, artist and photographer Tasya van Ree. Heard has been known to have temper tantrums and multiple run-ins with domestic violence, being both on the receiving and delivering end as it currently seems.

The attack reportedly happened during an argument the couple had in the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Heard was said to have grabbed van Ree in the arm and hit her, according to TMZ. Heard was charged with misdemeanor assault and fourth-degree domestic violence.

Heard was then arrested, taken into custody, and appeared in court the next day. However, Heard was let go with a warning due to the fact that the couple lived in California at the time. Although charges were not filed against Heard, the court said that they definitely could file them in the future.

More than two years after the incident, the police received a request to remove the details about Heard's domestic violence case from their database back in November 2011, says USA Today. As this was allowed per Washington state law, the case files were duly deleted.

The case files were not necessarily deleted from all systems, however. Now Heard has to deal with how this affects her case against her ex-husband Johnny Depp.

Multiple news outlets have reached out to Amber Heard's representatives. Unfortunately, they have decided not to comment on this issue. Johnny Depp's representatives have also been reached out to, but they too have declined to comment on the situation.

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