Recent statistics reveal that five women and sixteen men are sexually assaulted during their college years. Camus rape is rapidly increasing, and one factor that needs to be addressed is the court's ruling as to how the rapist should be dealt with.
As of the recent rape case which occurred in Stanford, it was revealed that a 20-year-old male student raped a 23-year-old female during one of their college parties. The victim was taken to a dumpster and she was sexually assaulted by Brock Tanner.
Luckily, they were spotted by two people who happen to be cycling within the area, wherein they immediately took action and pushed Brock off his victim. At the end of the night, the rape victim was taken to the hospital, and Brock was arrested.
As the rape case progressed, it was assumed that Brock's case would leave him behind bars for no less than 14 years, and the rape victim would get the justice she deserves. Though it might sound like an appropriate justice, everything turned upside down.
According to Telegraph, Brock was only given 3-6 months jail. The judge even stated that placing him behind bars would have a "severe impact" on his being. He's punishment was lenient as the judge based his penalty on his character references and his lack of criminal record. Even his family stood by his side and didn't show remorse for their son's action.
RAPE CULTURE: Brock Turner's dad is sad he only got "20 minutes of action" & doesn't even like eating steaks anymore
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) June 5, 2016
The lax justice system among campus rape is something that needs to be looked upon. Several advocacy groups and movements have been fighting for rape victims as she was not able to get the justice she sought.
A documentary about campus rape, "The Hunting Ground" made a huge impact during the Oscars last year as the victims decided to stand up and share their stories. In a statistics revealed by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, more than 90% of rape cases are often neglected as victims does not want to speak up.