"No Man's Sky" is once again bombarded by scrutiny. It has been revealed that fans and gaming enthusiasts have implied to end the confusion regarding the airdate for the game. However, Hello Games studio has already revealed that the game will come on December 31.
According to the Christian Times, a cloud of confusion has shadowed the fans that have lengthened their patience even further despite the unverified airdate for the much-awaited adventure video game, "No Man's Sky."
Many players are still hopeful that the game would surely come out in the coming few months. But with the confirmation of Sean Murray things are now hopeful.
How new games 'Uncharted 4' and 'No Man's Sky' hint at Sony's grander vision https://t.co/0SDjnCL6TF pic.twitter.com/AIdarvHJzN
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) June 7, 2016
While others are projecting the futile end of the game, there are still gamers that are looting for "No Man's Sky" and are hopeful to see positive developments for the game. It is apparent that Hello Games and the game's publisher have finally cleared some issues pertaining to the release dates and other features.
According to the same report, Hello Games experienced first hand the gaming fans' ire owing to the alleged release date delay. Even the studio programmer Sean Murray was strongly involved in pacifying the fans and softening the gamers' ire feelings towards "No Man's Sky."
It stands to reason that the confusion was sparked when an email sent by the PlayStation Network rendered some unconfirmed date for "No Man's Sky" and that the video game would be slated for Dec. 31 and this date is already contrary to the airdate set for Aug. 9.
Finally, the confusion was settled and gamers can now relax and end their dismay. On a different note, even though the game has not been released, there are already notions that "No Man's Sky" has a similar counterpart in the form of Dual Universe, reports Kotaku.
Check for a PSN mail about your NMS pre-order (says the game will release before Dec31st). Don't stress. No date change! Just standard thing
— Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) June 9, 2016