Unusual Weight Loss Tips For Busy Moms

Working mothers are usually caught in a sight moment when they would long to lose those post pregnancy pounds. However, they can hardly get their selves into the gym as they barely have time to work out. Fret not as several websites came up with weight loss tips ideal for busy moms. Read through the article and let us know which diet works best for you.

TIME laid out a few diet tips that can help a busy working mom shed a few pounds. First on the list is the coffee diet wherein it was noted that ordering a cup of black coffee can help you shed a few pounds. If you're not into coffee however, two cups of green tea daily can go a long way, which can cut off as much as 10 pounds in two months as it burns fats.

Though coffee and tea may sound easy, it is noted that these should be accompanied with healthy food options as well. Cutting out sugar in one's diet can effectively aid in weight loss.

The second option may be a bit far out, but it was mentioned that day dreaming about eating your favorite candy can potentially suppress your appetite. The study mentioned that thinking about finishing a whole pack of your favorite candy can trick your brain into eating less.

Third one is said to be effective when you're trying to suppress your appetite. It was mentioned that smelling a banana, green apples or pears can potentially suppress one's appetite. It was scientifically explained that taking a whiff of fresh fruits can trick the mind into eating healthy, thus making the individual crave for healthier food options.

Busy working moms may not only be the ones struggling with weight gain as it was recently reported that children with parents working most of the time are more likely to gain more pounds. CNN noted that kids weight tend to increase if the mother spends more time at work.

Would you happen to try the unusual diet tips? Do let us know if it worked for you through the comment section below.

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