Weight Loss Wonder: Eat More Pasta, Lose Weight Faster, Study Says

Eating more pasta can actually make a person slimmer, an Italian scientist says. This is good news for all pasta lovers who want to lose weight without being deprived of his or her favorite pasta dish.

Pasta has been a very important part of Mediterranean diets. The researchers in the study done in Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed in Italy involved over 23,000 Italian adults and concluded that pasta is associated with lower BMI, which has made the participants have slimmer waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio.

Most pastas are made from flour so it is still important to be aware of your health limitations especially with the danger of taking in too much flour. The ingredients also used to mix with the pasta can affect your weight. Dr. Terry Shintani, a "Living Treasure of Hawaii" and Integrative Medicine Doctor, said in his book 'Eat More Weigh Less' that:

"When some pasta sauces are prepared, a substantial amount of oil can be added, either in the form of vegetables oils or oily meats. Pasta sauces can be made nonfat, if you prepare them from scratch and simply eliminate the oil from the recipe. You'll find that if the sauce is reasonably well seasoned with herbs and spices, you won't miss the taste of the oil at all. If you are buying a prepared marinara sauce, make sure it's one that is very low in fat."

Shintani would nonetheless agree to the study that pasta, especially the whole grain ones, are great for weight loss. You can eat as much pasta as you want and not gain weight at all or even lose some pounds. Perhaps on the other hand you cannot eat much pasta as it actually makes you feel heavy and full even for the whole day.

Pasta can make a desirable impact to one's weight, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio. However, proper balance is still needed to keep oneself healthy. Pasta, vegetables, and fruits - these perhaps are the most important foods that you can place on your plate to achieve your desired weight and have a balanced set of nutrition in your body.

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