'Naruto' News & Updates: 'Naruto Shippuden' Episode 467 Is A Disappointment; 'Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing' Game In Dire Moment Too?

There have been speculations that "Naruto Shippuden" Episode 467 was a complete disappointment for the viewers and it has failed to reach its mark. As for the gaming segment, "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing," some are worried that it might follow suit.

Recent news and updates pertaining to the "Naruto" segment has led to many unexpected speculations and apprehensions. A former post from Yibada has mentioned that "Naruto Shippuden" Episode 467 was aired but since the storyline unveiled more flashbacks, it has led to aggravating complaints.

For the fans and followers of "Naruto," the need to air the present storyline is of utmost necessity and yet the creators and its developers are constantly eluding the airing of the epic fight between Naruto, Sasuke and Kaguya.

With the complaints in tow, many are also wondering that "Naruto" and its legacy will soon face demise and major downfall if it fails to deliver. Also, with the fillers filling the storyline, rumors regarding its gaming counterpart are on the rise as well.

For the gamers, "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing" is also speculated to tread on the same path as its anime counterpart. Although there have not been any affirmations of glitches and issues pertaining to the gaming segment of "Naruto," many are presuming that the game would face dire moments as well.

A former post from Parent Herald has already mentioned that if the fillers for "Naruto Shippuden" continue to dominate the storyline, bad days are expected to creep up and ruin the legacy that "Naruto" has established. According to the report, the fillers may fuel the fans fury and ignite a brawl against the creators of "Naruto."

Furthermore, if the anime segment is facing bad tidings, many are also expecting that if the gaming segment "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing" will have glitches, it will escalate the complaints to a whole new level.

It is undeniable that "Naruto" was able to counter the rumors that have baffled the segment for many years. If ever "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing" and "Naruto Shippuden" anime episodes persist on being entangled with rumors and speculations, the days might not bode well for the anime and gaming franchise.

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