'Pokemon GO' Hacked! The Hack Makes Hatching Easier Than You Expect, You Don’t Even Have To Leave Your Home

"Pokemon Go" master hack is out! Now hatching eggs is so much easier. A player does not have to even leave their couches.

The reality game is hacked. And this is the master hack of all for "Pokemon Go." The game has made players always leave the comfort of their home to hunt for Pokemon.

The game also ensured that the players walk around aimlessly. It will be only then that their eggs will hatch. The eggs in "Pokemon Go" would not hatch is they are just made to incubate by just sitting in the comfort of your couch. You had to get up and get going.

Now, laziness is always the biggest motivator. The truly lazy crowd have now hacked the game and found a way around it. Eggs can now be hatched by not even taking a single step, reported Mirror.

'Pokemon Go' Eggs can be hatched without going anywhere

Up until now, the eggs in "Pokemon Go" will only hatch if the player will walk a few miles. The GPS tracks how many kilometers the players have walked and that used to lead to the incubation. The players can walk in any fashion that theu like and just just in a straight line, reported CNet.

The players of "Pokemon Go" have come up with an excellent and eccentric idea! If one does not have the time or inclination to walk around and hatch eggs, then simple attach your phone to a surface that moves! Record players, bicycle wheels or even your pet can serve the purpose!

So, while your dog plays fetch, your eggs hatch!

This means that you need to just attach the phone to the dog's collar. As the dog runs around the house, your kilometers are counted! It seems like the dog is after all a man's best friend! For that matter, even a turn table can be your friend, thanks to "Pokemon GO."

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