'Steven Universe' Recap: 'Monster Reunion' Shows How Centipeetle Got Back To Her Crew, Steven Fails To Help Her

Cartoon Network debuted "Summer of Steven" earlier this July and has since released episode after episode every weeknight. The latest episode is entitled "Monster Reunion" and it featured Centipeetle reuniting with her crew but Steven failing to help them.

The "Steven Universe" latest episode started with Steven having his healing spit back and solves MC Bear Bear's problem. Upon knowing about this, Steven goes to the kitchen to tell the Gems that he wants to heal one of the monsters in the bubble room.

Steven Picks Centipeetle to Heal in "Monster Reunion," the latest episode of "Steven Universe"

Although the gems did not really want Steven to go inside the bubble room, they were not able to resist his puppy dog eyes. Steven lets Centipeetle out who licks his hand. Steven then gives Centipeetle a whap resulting to her looking more Gem-like with brown skin, a black uniform, and a blonde hair.

In the "Steven Universe" episode "Monster Reunion," Centipeetle screams at Steven in panic as she does not remember him. He then tries to give her a kiss on the forehead but it did not work as well. Garnet explained that this is how Centipeetle is reacting because her gem was not simply cracked but it was corrupted. Garnet then asks Steven to let Centipeetle go back in the bubble room but he talks them out of it so he tries to help her further, iDigitalTimes reported.

Steven Tries to Communicate With Centipeetle on "Monster Reunion"

Steven then tries to communicate with Centipeetle on "Monster Reunion" as he tries to bring up some of their old memories. They got to share chips and sing together then he brings out crayons to try and communicate with her better. However, Steven could not read Gem so she draws little stick figures instead.

She then reveals to Steven that she was a Homeworld captain in charge of a large crew. They were commanded to go to Earth but the Gem War took place. Centipeetle explained that she was separated from her crew and ship and was left alone on Earth. She continued to reveal that she saw a light and it had three diamonds. This means that every Gem left on Earth was corrupted via a superweapon.

Centipeetle Reunites With her Crew on "Monster Reunion"

As Centipeetle tried to explain what else happened, she started to revert back to her Centipeetle form. Steven then teleports them to a thick forest with old Gem ships. Ceintipeetle heads for a ship and tears the roots away from it. Steven helps and they were able to get inside where Centipeetle finds three other Centipeetles.

"Steven Universe" will be airing more episodes until August 12.

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