Intelligence Not Necessary to Excel In Math

Motivation and study methods adopted by a student rather than intelligence levels determine whether he/she will excel in math, a new study says.

Researchers from the University of Munich and the University of Bielefeld examined the factors that boost children's math skills.

For examining the link, Kou Murayama and his colleagues included 3,520 students studying in different grades from five to 10. All the children were part of a German study that looked at math ability among school children.

Researchers measured the students' study skills, motivation and intelligence levels. They studied for five years the role of these factor in helping the students achieve growth in math.

Surprisingly, investigators found intelligence of a student helping in math achievement only during the initial stages. Motivation and study skills of the student (ability to summarize, explain or connect the material to related materials) were found helping them to learn math better.

"While intelligence as assessed by IQ tests is important in the early stages of developing mathematical competence, motivation and study skills play a more important role in students' subsequent growth," Murayama, postdoctoral researcher of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was at the University of Munich when the study was conducted, said in a news release.

After finding out the factors important for growth in math achievement, researchers urge teachers and educational experts to use these factors to boost student's math skills.

"Our study suggests that students' competencies to learn in math involve factors that can be nurtured by education," added Murayama. "Educational programs focusing on students' motivation and study skills could be an important way to advance their competency in math as well as in other subjects."

Findings of the study have been published in the journal Child Development.

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