Developing Mindfulness Helps Kids Thrive
Mindfulness does much more than give kids a set of skills and strategies to counterbalance the stress and maintain emotional control. Research conducted over the past few years have shown that it supports academic achievement, as well - as one component of what's known in education circles as social emotional learning, or SEL.
For instance, one analysis of previous research found that approximately 50 percent of kids enrolled in SEL programs had better achievement scores and almost 40 percent showed improved grade-point-averages. These programs were also linked to lowered suspension rates, increased school attendance, and reduced disciplinary problems.
Another study noted an "11-percentile-point gain in achievement" among kids who participated in SEL. They also showed better social skills, emotional skills, attitudes, and behavior.
This is why more schools around the country are incorporating mindfulness programs. Here in Oregon, several high schools have already begun to offer a semester-long, for-credit mindfulness course that's proved popular with students, parents, and educators alike! More than ever, teachers are coming to really value the power of mindfulness in their student's lives - as well as their own.
Not offered at your child's school? Or perhaps you home school? There are both in-person and online mindfulness courses you can take to learn approaches to nurturing mindfulness in your child. You may even find some ideas for managing stress in your own life, as well!