The education in America is facing a huge problem since some public schools are now experiencing this phenomenon called "disruption." Others would argue that it is for the best, but little do they know the negative effects that it is bringing to children in this country.
In an article published by The Washington Post, the one to blame is the disruption that was implemented in the education system. But what exactly does it mean? Basically, it originally meant to change an old program for the better. However, the result turned out to be the opposite. Pam Grossman from the University of Pennsylvania (Education Graduate) stated that the effects on the change that people are looking for using disruption is actually dangerous. It cannot be applied in education, especially when researches are being neglected.
A photo posted by Christine Hansen (@christinehansenglass) on Aug 13, 2016 at 4:07pm PDT
It being focused on tearing up the old system without considering new studies that would simply improve the old ones could affect the lives of students in a very tragic way. Take Detroit, Michigan for example. Disruption in public school happened with the rise of charter schools. Since then, everyone in the community just went on competing against each other. It produces an unhealthy environment. Competition is good in some levels, but if it becomes the focus of living, then it is probably not a good idea. Reports showed that schools are not even just doing for their students, but also for their staff.
Another evidence that the education system, specifically public schools, in the United States is being neglected is the recent speech that Donald Trump did pertaining to the issue. He basically bad mouthed public schools in the country even when he didn't even go to one. This just shows how much this institution is being neglected.