'Pokemon GO' Legendary Birds Confirmed! Play Mode and Trading Available On Next Update

The legendary birds of "Pokemon GO" may soon come to play as reports of an update where these birds would arrive are circulating. Although the "encounters of these legendary birds was only fan made but the gameplay update is so good that Niantic should look into.

Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres which are also known as the winged mirages set the standards for future trios, according to Bulbapedia. These legendary birds share similar traits and attributes and are mostly considered equal. In "Pokemon GO" the legendary birds would be involved in a Legendary Bird event to determine who among them is the best.

To play the legendary bird in Pokemon GO, this would involve in collecting their "Legendary Feathers." Before you can collect one, you would need to approach your team leader and let your team leader ask you investigate a legendary bird sighting.

You will need to collect three Legendary Feathers to initiate a fight in "Pokemon GO." Your teammates can help too and the fight will also yield candies for the Pokemon used in the fight.

Once you win and the opposing Legendary Bird lost, you will be given a special Pokeball. "Valor" ball, "Instinct" ball and "Mystic" ball depending on the team you belong. Getting this ball is mostly advantageous because you will also be able to catch the legendary bird you just defeated.

The good side about the Legendary Bird events in Pokemon GO is that teams will be able to change their team so they will have more chances of capturing the bird that they want. There will also be a chance for opposing teams to trade their Pokemon.

As the feature to do trading is still not available in "Pokemon GO," having this feature now in the game can bring more chances of players to search for more Pokemon. While the news about how to encounter legendary birds and the legendary bird event is just fan made, it still is a great idea for future developments in Niantic's "Pokemon GO."

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