Rio Olympics 2016 Drug Prevention Advocacy: A Million Copies of Drug Prevention Booklets Handed Out To Educate People About Drugs

With a goal to educate young adults and teens about drugs, The Foundation for a Drug-Free World handed out 1 million copies of drug prevention booklets to thousand residents of Rio, international Olympic audiences and athletes since the Olympics has started. The foundation has been in the fight against drugs for almost 25 years.

Foundation for a Drug-Free Word, according to a report in PRNewswire, is a public benefit organization that aims to empower adults and teens with truthful info about drugs so that they can have knowledge on how to make decisions to live a drug-free life. The foundation's Truth About Drug campaign has already resolved issues by conveying the whole truth about the effects of drug abuse to many young adults and teens all over the world through effective mass and individual communication.

Based on an article in Foundation for Drug-Free World, a projected 208 million people from all over the world use illegal drugs. In the US, findings from 2007 survey exposed that 19.9 million Americans or 8% of the residents aged 12 and up consumed prohibited drugs in the month before the survey.

And this is where the foundation comes in. To stop the increasing rate of drug users in the US and the whole world by providing free educational resources about the truth of drug abuse. Now they have come to do that as well in the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

They took advantage of the event and the massive number of people who went to witness the grand sports fest. Since the opening of Olympics, they have begun disseminating drug prevention booklet to various people present in the event and even to the residents in the city of Rio.

Aside from the free drug prevention booklets, the foundation will give free resources and training about drugs to any willing Olympians who want to render workshops or lectures on drugs in their own place. And they do this just to ensure the momentum of this campaign continues far beyond the Olympics according to Ambra Calzolari, the Executive Director of the organization.

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