Women Health: Women Beyond 50 to Recommended To Have Mammograms Yearly, Research Suggests

For women in their fifties all over the US and around the globe who do not have any idea when they should take a mammogram test, a new study will help you with your decision when to do so. Researchers reported in Annals of Internal Medicine that women aged 50 - 74 years who took yearly and triennial mammogram test, either with less and high breast density, will sustain a better or similar balance of harms and benefits compared to average - risk women who took biennial mammogram test.

The research, lead by Amy Trentham - Dietz, centered on women aged 50 years and beyond who have different relative risk extents and breast density types. The researchers modeled the results of digital mammography test in annual, biennial and triennial period.

Women with relative risk level of less than one and with recognized genetic risk elements such breast cancer history were not allowed to join the research. ˇhe research reveals that triennial and annual mammography tests for women with high and low breast densities have curbed the rates of breast cancer death compared to biennial mammography test.

And for women with high breast density, the research suggests that they should get mammogram test yearly. Though these women only get a small percent of group.

Based on a report in LA Times, a lot of states today oblige radiologists to communicate and assign to every woman and her doctor her density measure score called BI - RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System). This risk calculator determines the possibility of a woman of enrooting breast cancer within five to ten years and associates it to average risk.

Dr. Priscilla Slanetz, as posted in SCPR.org, advised women to utilize the density report as their first base for a wider discussion regarding their individual risk of breast cancer. She also added that the discussion with a physician should include risk elements like breast density and breast cancer history in the family.

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