'Attack on Titan' Season 2 Air Date, Rumors, News & Updates: Eren Jeager Does Not Want Mikasa To Fall In Love With Levi; Armin In Trouble, Clashes With Eren's Titan?

Recent news and updates surrounding "Attack on Titan" Season 2 is filled with many speculations. For one, the storyline is embedded with presumptions of Eren and his team facing hurdles of their own.

Claims have surfaced that the episodes of "Attack on Titan" Season 2 would dwell heavily on the fighting and brawl against the destructive titans. However, what is unexpected is the clash between Eren's titan form and with Armin.

Although there has not been any affirmation that Armin would transform into a titan as well, the speculations regarding the rumored storyline is escalating for "Attack on Titan" Season 2. Moreover, claims of Eren angry with Mikasa are resurging as well.

In a former post from Parent Herald, it was relayed that despite the hurdles that Eren would face, he would still ensure the safety of his friends. However, it appears that the next episodes of "Attack on Titan" Season 2 would be different.

According to the same report, the secrets of the Reiss family are presumed to come out in the open when "Attack on Titan" Season 2 airs. However, in regards to the rumors regarding the storyline, the creators have not affirmed any of the speculations to materialize when the epic anime segment returns.

In a different note, Game & Guide reports of the possibility that Eren would be dominated by fear when "Attack on Titan" Season 2 returns to the spotlight. As for the core reason for his fear, there has not been any direct inclination that the speculation would be affirmed when the series returns.

For the moment, the creators of "Attack on Titan" Season 2 remains tightlipped on the matter. As for the air date of the anime segment, there has not been any formal reports of the precise return of the anime.

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