Shared Parenting News & Updates: Why Women Are Not Given The Opportunity To Share Childcare Responsibilities

In a world where gender inequality exists, it is not surprising to learn that the society has stereotyped women as the main authority when it comes to taking good care of children. It is even often rare for people to recognize and acknowledge that child-raising is actually a twofold and joint responsibility.

Gender equality gap in childcare responsibilities is really nothing new. U.K.'s Fatherhood Institute even revealed that for every hour of childcare that women carry out, men only do the task for 24 minutes. With that said, the unequal distribution of childcare is undeniably evident among the British population.

Unfortunately, The Platform revealed that unequal distribution of childcare responsibilities is not only prevalent among the British population. In fact, statistics show that other groups or races are also affected by the inequality when it comes to sharing parental duties.

Despite the introduction of the shared parental leave concept, decisions and choices surrounding childcare responsibilities are still turned back to mothers once the parental leave lapses. Due to the fact that having children needs joint sacrifices, many women strongly support shared parenting.

Since shared parenting advocates the equal sharing of child-raising tasks between the mother and the father, this co-parenting concept is regarded as a paradigm shift in a culture where childcare responsibilities are more dependent on women. Fortunately, more men are now open to do childcare, which can also open more opportunities for women who want to explore life beyond motherhood.

As shared parenting continues to earn the support of the society, Missouri has finally enacted its HB 1550 bill into a child custody reform law, making numerous divorced parents and children happy. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri's law represents a solution for all in which children will no longer suffer from the trauma and the pain brought by the decisions of a broken and outdated family court system.

Meanwhile, The Des Moines Register reported that shared parenting is recommended by 110 world expert and is advocated by 43 peer-reviewed papers. This co-parenting concept is also favored by 70 percent of the population. It is also in the conclusion of the largest study on children of divorce.

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