While George RR Martin has continuously asked forgiveness from his loyal fans about the late release date of "The Winds of Winter" it seems that the Amazon France placeholder page has mistakenly placed the release date of "TWoW." According to the website, the much awaited "A Song of Ice & Fire" will come in March.
George RR Martin has been delaying "The Winds of Winter" for so long now. Fans thought that the sixth book of "A Song of Ice & Fire" would come at the same time as "The Game of Thrones" Season 6 on HBO. But that didn't happen.
Instead, fans were just able to get a bit of different chapters of "The Winds of Winter" which most enthusiasts were happy to read. However, most were still waiting on when "TWoW" would finally be published.
With news regarding the possible release of "The Winds of Winter,announced" this coming March 2017 made most fans into a frenzy. However, Entertainment was quick to note its recent interview with Martin's publisher that said that they have not yet finalized the publication or the date.
George RR Martin also said that if his "The Winds of Winter" is all ready for a release date, he would announce it on his blog first. So could this be that the Amazon listing of "A Song of Ice and Fire" is a false listing?
The book is still not available for purchase though and according to Yahoo News, fans would still need to wait if it is also going to be listed on any English speaking Amazon sites before we can conclude if the "The Winds of Winter" release date is for real.
Amazon France listed "The Winds of Winter" for a March 9, 2017, release date which is earlier than most fans expect. In most cases, Amazon provides a real release date for their book titles. However, there are still some cases where their system gets an error and this might be the case for "TWoW."
"The Winds of Winter" release date supposedly leaks via Amazon France listing https://t.co/61KOxNE7UM pic.twitter.com/Rlh8Y544LB
— Paste Magazine (@PasteMagazine) September 6, 2016
But in any case, fans are still happy to find news regarding the release date of "The Winds of Winter" and the possibility that its impending release date is not that far is really a good treat for fans of the "Game of Thrones" series and "A Song of Ice and Fire."