"The Last Of Us 2" progress looms as release by Naughty Dog of the "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End" single player DLC campaign draws near. Albeit with new characters as leads instead of Ellie (Ashley Johnson) and Joel (Troy Baker), progress is still progress for the much-awaited "The Last Of Us" sequel.
As Game Rant reports "TLOU" fans will likely see Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmann bring in new characters with "The Last Of Us 2." Unfortunately, this could also mean that "The Last Of Us 2" will no longer return with Ellie and Joel in the lead.
Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us look stellar in HDR. Higher-res is cool too, but man... those sunsets in HDR... #PS4Pro
— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) September 7, 2016
Although fan demand for Ellie and Joel to return with "The Last Of Us 2" is overwhelming, "TLOU" was able to deliver their story in full despite being open-ended, as Game Rant points out. Even Ellie actress Ashley Johnson agrees that "The Last Of Us" has told the story of Joel and Ellie in completion as Game Spot reports.
Cool. Someone made a 360 The Last of Us VR concept art. https://t.co/Mfi3seBx07 — Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) August 25, 2016
"But you know there's also a part of me that thinks, 'Man, the story could stand alone,' and sometimes we should just leave it alone," Ashley Johnson said of "The Last Of Us." To be sure Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog will be led by the story in "The Last Of Us 2" rather than by any trend or pressure for the "TLOU" sequel direction.
In the past, Game Rant cited Troy Baker in stating that the only reason "The Last Of Us 2" will bring back Ellie and/or Joel is if Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog find a strong story with which to continue the post-apocalyptic adventures of the "TLOU" leads. Otherwise, according to Troy Baker, Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog would not hesitate to develop "The Last Of Us 2" with new leads and in a different world.
Based on projections, Naughty Dog will deliver the "Uncharted 4" single player DLC by the winter season of 2016, which marks the resumption of work on "The Last Of Us 2." Would you be happy to play "The Last Of Us 2" with new leads and even without Ellie and/or Joel?