Medicine Vs. Artificial Intelligence: How Machine Learning Can Help In Lung Diseases Detection And Diagnosis

The presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the broad and complex field of medicine has continually improved over time. As a matter of fact, AI's potential to enhance the accuracy and efficiency when it comes to disease diagnostics is simply undeniable.

Following the influences of artificial intelligence in the various subspecialties of medicine, a team of researchers developed an AI-based algorithm process that can learn and perform predictive data analysis. According to Tech 2, Belgium's University of Leuven professor and senior study author Wim Janssens explained that the AI algorithm process can provide experts more accurate lung diseases diagnosis by simulating physicians' complex reasoning in a "more standardized and objective way."

Based on the study, researchers successively probed how the concept of machine learning could assist them in analyzing the complete lung function tests. As per Deccan Chronicle, the analysis of results were done on population-based parameters, allowing artificial intelligence to observe a pattern combination at once, making the diagnosis more accurate and reliable.

In fact, the University of Leuven's Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine researcher Marko Topalovic stressed that the current artificial intelligence-based study on lung diagnosis does not only improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Topalovic said the automated interpretation of pulmonary functions can also lead to better disease detection.

Topalovic also added that their study on how artificial intelligence can be utilized in diagnosing lung disorders could also help non-experienced physicians. Another promising benefit of the study was in terms of the overall health care, where redundant tests to confirm the diagnosis will be reduced and it would not be so time-consuming, EurekAlert! noted.

Meanwhile, the results of the study were reportedly presented at the European Respiratory Society's International Congress on Sept. 4. The study was the first to explore artificial intelligence's potential when it comes to enhancing the accuracy of lung diseases diagnosis, Science Daily confirmed.

It was also known that artificial intelligence's influence in the field of medicine is nothing new. The reason? Parent Herald previously reported that AI has also proven its usefulness in the diagnosis of eye diseases, autism, mental health disorders, cosmetic medicine and cancer.

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