Accidental Burns at Home: Some Steps for Parents to Keep Kids Safe

Injuries are a part of childhood. Lack of maturity and experience place young children at a greater risk of suffering injuries, including burns. Children can get burns from common things in a home, like hot water or electronic outlets.

However, it is mandatory for parents to take some burn-safety measures to prevent this occurrence. Following are some recommendations put forward by Mayo Clinic:

At Home

* Keep the temperature levels below 120 F (48.9 C) and check the water temperature before the kid goes to take a bath

* Avoid carrying hot things like soup or drinks and kids together. Keep hot liquids and foods out of reach of small kids.

* Never place hot food on tablecloths or placemats, as small children can pull it down.

* Never leave food on the stove without adult supervision

* Never allow the kid to come near the stove or fireplace area

* Keep electronic gadgets like clothes iron unplugged and out of reach of children after use

* Install plastic plugs in electrical cords

* Never use the microwave to warm baby's bottle


* Never allow kids to play near grills and fire pits

* Allow trained professionals to do firework

* Take precautions to avoid excess heat while travelling in a car and don't park in direct sunlight

Following are some steps to avoid fires:

* Always keep matches, lighters and flammable liquids locked

* Burning candles should be kept out of reach of small children

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