Apple users are excited about the latest update that is the new iOS 10. If you are one of those who are intrigued as to whether you are to update it immediately or not, then this article would be your guide. The giant tech company released their new OS update on September 13 and a lot of people have mixed feelings about it.
According to a report published by CNET, there are some perks in updating to iOS 10 that will users like it. One of them is the Raise To Wake feature, which serves as a motion detector to automatically turn on the the lock screen even without having to touch the home button. If you don't like this feature, don't worry because you can always turn this off when you go to settings then to Display and Brightness.
A photo posted by S I T I S U R I A (@sitisuria79) on Sep 14, 2016 at 2:40am PDT
For selfie lovers, this new iOS 10 update would make you fall for Apple even more. You won't have to even unlock your screen manually to go to the camera app. With the new iOS 10 upgrade, all you need to do is swipe to the left of the screen and it will take you directly to the camera to take a photo.
There are other features that make the new iOS 10 amazing, however, there is also a negative side and it is causing disappointment to consumers. One of them is the "bricking" issue.
CNN Money defined the problem as a bug that hinders consumers from using their smartphone because of a black screen. In order to solve it, they would have to link their mobile device to a computer and have it connected to iTunes where the restoration could take place.
Many are complaining that it is a waste of their time and they think that Apple didn't see this error coming. Based on the reports written here, we'll leave the decision to you as to whether to or not to update your iOS phones or tablets just yet with Apple's iOS 10. In case you already have, share us your experiences in the comments section below.