DC’s 'Legends Of Tomorrow’ Season 2 Latest News & Update: Justice Society Of America Arrives To Fight The Legion of Doom

DC's "Legends of Tomorrow" Season 2 teaser images were recently released by CW which revealed the Justice Society of America. Reports on "Legends of Tomorrow" claimed that the heroes will help the Legends in their fight against the Legion of Doom, a group of villains comprised of Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Reverse-Flash and Captain Cold.

The "Legends of Tomorrow" images released by CW include Stargirl, Dr. Mid-Nite, Hourman, Obsidian, Vixen and Citizen Steel. In one of the photos, Stargirl is seen with Obsidian who is confirmed to be the son of the original Green Lantern Alan Scott. In another photo, the Justice Society of America meets with "Legends of Tomorrow's" Sara Lance, Mick Rory and Ray Palmer. There is also an image that showed Vixen wearing an outfit similar to her granddaughter's in Arrow.

For the uninitiated, DC's "Legends of Tomorrow" Season 1 finale saw the Legends traveling into different timelines to defeat Vandal Savage. However, before the team went into their missions, a modern version of Waverider suddenly arrived with Hourman inside. Hourman then cautioned the Legends that a new threat to their world is coming.

Hourman's warning may need to be taken seriously as the synopsis of "Legends of Tomorrow" Season 2 suggests that the Legends were not able to go back to the current timeline yet. Dr. Nate Heywood from Justice Society of America is expected to find a way to gather Ray, Sara, White Canary, Jax Jackson and Professor Martin Stein along with Rory, Movie Pilot reported.

The synopsis also revealed that the "Legends of Tomorrow" members will meet Justice Society of America in the 1940s. Justice Society of America will appear on the second episode of "Legends of Tomorrow" Season 2 when the Legends discovered that there is an aberration with time that could also affect the JSA, The Mary Sue reported. Both teams will reportedly work together to fight a mysterious threat and the Legion of Doom.

"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" is slated for an Oct. 13 release date. Will the Legends be able to come back to their current timeline?

Watch "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Season 2 trailer below.

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