Over the past weeks, game developer Niantic took charge of letting the whole Pokemon community know that two new patches and the second generation "Pokemon Go" is set to be released starting this month. With that in mind, trainers will once again duke it out for contention, invading gyms and capturing the rarest and possibly, the best region-locked pocket monsters available. To make their dream to be the very best come true, applications like PokeMesh are available to make their "Pokemon Go" adventures a bit easier than the rest.
According to their website, PokeMesh is an Android application that improves one's "Pokemon Go" experience. Simply put, PokeMesh scans and displays every Pokemon available in your vicinity, as well as the various PokeStops and gyms in a player's area. Users can also opt to disregard a certain Pokemon and focus on a specific one by using its filter feature, while Relax mode will make the PokeMesh run on your Smartphone's background, and pretty much all the bells and whistles to help your journey.
But is PokeMesh the best map on Android? Pokemon Go Hub thinks that it is. As a central website for all things Pokemon, they described PokeMesh to be "the best "Pokemon Go" Map on Android, hands down," and added that it is the only map equipped with IVs, or Individual Values.
Another thing about PokeMesh is that it's good to parry when Niantic decides to block third party applications. Metro UK wrote that the app's creators "appear to be keeping ahead of each "Pokemon Go" update", and tweets it in the process for users to keep track of. Aside from this, though, PokeMesh is not your ordinary map. Its User Interface is clean, fluid and simple. "Pokemon Go" Hub also inserted the quick rarity filter in their review that enables a player to pick the rarity of the Pokemon that they want to pursue "from Very Common to Legendary".
Pushed an update right now! the ones that didn't find any pokèmon should now see everything without have to login to PoGo.
— PokéMesh (@PokeMeshApp) August 9, 2016
PokeMesh is relatively easy to use, thanks to its UI and simple matrix. Everything is within a touch and while PokeMesh isn't the only third-party app that lets "Pokemon Go" players make the most out of their Pokemon careers, it is most certainly on the top list.
"Pokemon Go" players who want to give PokeMesh a try, download and install the app here, and login using a PTC (Pokemon Trainer Club) or Google account. Remember to enable the "Unknown Sources" on your device's Settings menu.