Aliens UFO Sightings Latest News Update: Extra Terrestrials Visit Earth To Remove Chemtrail From Atmosphere? [VIDEO]

A recent video uploaded on YouTube sights alien UFO flying through a cloud of chemtrail left behind by an aircraft. This extra terrestrial visit sighting has created much speculation among UFO enthusiasts.

According to sources, the alleged chemtrail was discharged into the atmosphere by an airplane that was flying over Paris, France on September 28, 2016 around 19:41.

Alien hunters claim that the footage is a demonstration of aliens cleaning up the air by removing harmful chemicals and their substances. Conspiracy theorists have presented a reason for the release of harmful chemicals by the government.

According to the Inquisitr, this is an effort by the government to dose the masses with lithium with intent to make the people servile and sycophantic to the government control. These chemicals are suspected to be an anti-psychotic drug in order to medicate the masses with "mind control". Additionally, it is stated that chemicals are being allegedly dumped into the atmosphere in order to reverse the effects of the on-going climate change.

According to the UFO enthusiasts, the footage which was uploaded by UFO hunter - WTFflow shows what appears to be an unidentified small object flying below and airplane while completely dissolving the chemtrail left behind by the airplane. The YouTube user who uploaded the video claims that while watching the sunset, user caught a unique looking craft flying in the air.

At the first sight user thought of it as a helicopter or a drone. But upon close observation, the object displayed erratic behaviour, accelerating and decelerating in whimsical patterns leading to suspicions of it not being a man-made object. Elaborating on the bizarre sight, user added that the object performed unusual flight manoeuvres and marched towards the chemtrail to destroy it within the next few minutes

Amazed by the entire sight that user managed to capture and wrote in the description of the video on YouTube," Indeed the trail was being 'consumed' progressively. I was simply speechless. I still can't believe what I caught. The chemtrail got literally perforated". User continues stating "I can't be 100% sure it is due to the object itself that the chemtrail disappeared but I'm sure there is a link between the two. Such huge trail cannot disappear like that for any reason. And only a small portion of the trail gets erased, just around the object"

While some people do concur with what the video depicts and assert that the aliens are indeed erasing the chemtrail with the intent of removing the atmosphere from the chemtrail to clean the air others contend that the aliens were merely clearing the path for their flight.

Viewers of the video posted numerous conflicting opinions on the video. While most of them expressed vouched that the video is genuine, some sceptics dismissed it as a hoax.

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