It has been two months since the release of the augmented-reality game "Pokemon Go" resulting to worldwide craze and, though there have been some glitches here and there, there is little to no sign of the hype dialing down. Even more, anticipation for the much-awaited "Pokemon Go: Generation 2", other new features and possible in-person events are sure to keep the players on their feet.
The "Pokemon Go" company, Niantic Labs, has yet to announce the official release date of "Pokemon Go: Generation 2", but rumor has it that players will have to wait until May 2017. The second generation of Pokemon is speculated to add about a hundred new Pokemon and 86 new moves. It is also thought to feature Baby Pokemon as well as new mechanisms to Poke Stops and Poke Balls.
Nevertheless, players will not have to wait until next year for new and exciting updates from Niantic Labs in the game as the software development company confirmed the release of the Trade System on October 2016, a much-awaited feature of Pokemon trading between players. While the new Trainer Battles will be available to players on either December 2016 or January 2017. A feature that is speculated to involve players meeting face-to-face.
According to PC Mag, another confirmed update from Niantic Labs to be added soon is "Buddy Pokemon", which allows the players to choose a favorite Pokemon to appear alongside their avatar. This feature allows the "buddy Pokemon" to walk beside their owner among others, giving the players new venues for in-game rewards and bonuses.
Explore the world with your Buddy Pokémon in #PokemonGO!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) September 2, 2016
According to Recode Decode, the Niantic Labs CEO John Hacke shared that aside from new features they are working on holding a number of in-person events for all "Pokemon Go" players. Hacke said that this kind of events keeps "Pokemon GO" interesting to the players. With a load of new upgrades, Pokemon Go fans are sure to expect a lot from the game and, hopefully, Niantic Labs can keep up.