Want a Baby? Top Tips to Enhance Chances for Fertility

There's no doubt that many couples who want to get pregnant have questions on whether or not to ask their doctors for fertility medications or procedures. Whatever the case, it is still optimal for women preparing to conceive to be physically ready and raise the chances for such a conception.

As seen on the article at Parenting.Com, it is necessary to do the following:

Get Into a Regular Exercise Regimen

According to a study by Janet Rich-Edwards, M.P.H., Sc.D., director of developmental epidemiology at the Connor's Center for Women's Health and Gender Biology at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, women who had a lot of physical activities years prior to getting pregnant experienced less ovulatory infertility. For each hour of high level activity each week, the risk is reduced by 7 percent.

Avoid Artificial Lubricants

A research made at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas concluded that these lubricants have spermicide nonoxynol-9. There are other more organic products in the market that can serve the same purpose.

Try to Achieve a Normal Weight for One's Age and Height

Being overweight or underweight can affect the ability to conceive. As stated by Paul B. Miller, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at University Medical Group in Greenville, South Carolina, the chances to get pregnant is indeed affected by these factors. He found out that those who are overweight or underweight and are undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) have only half a chance of conceiving compared to those with normal weight.

Losing just around 5 percent of the body weight can greatly improve ovulatory function. Dr. Miller suggests a low-carbohydrate diet spread as multiple small meals in a day, along with exercise can be good for shedding pounds. For those who underweight, gaining 5 pounds may also be enough. Dr. Miller suggests additional diet once in a while, as well as limiting strenuous exercises.

Take Folic Acid

Some studies indicate that the higher the dosage of folic acid is, the more improved the ovulation also is. It is suggested that women take between 400-800 mcg per day. Men also produce healthier sperm with a higher dose of folate in their system.

Also as reported by Fertility.Com, alcoholic drinks should be avoided or taken only on a minimal amount if trying to conceive. Cutting back on nicotine and caffeine can also benefit the body in preparation for pregnancy. Drink less before bedtime and try to relax more. The body can tell when it is highly stressed or not. And it will be of great help if couples who are trying to get pregnant are balanced in their diet, their bodies and mind.

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