'American Housewife' Series Latest News & Updates: Find Out Why The Show Is Getting Bad Reviews

"American Housewife" is ABC's newest comedy sitcom that seems to be running low on good jokes. It generally preaches the idea that being a housewife is the most difficult job anyone could ever have especially for the main character who is a fat mom living in an affluent suburb filled with fit residents.

The main character, Katie Otto, is a mother who is struggling with body-image issues and this is magnified when she moved to Westport where nearly everyone is fit and skinny. Later on she finds out that her overweight neighbor is moving out of town and this would make her the second fattest housewife in town.

"The Second Fattest Housewife in Westport" was the original title of the series. In this comedy series people will see how Katie will do everything just to avoid being labeled as the second fattest housewife.

The first two episodes of "American Housewife" is bearable but it does not seem to have a good future because of over reliance on fat jokes and cliches, as described by USA Today. The focus of the series is also quite problematic.

The comedy series is showing how society is pressuring older women to look like young and stunning girls. But there is Katie who accepts herself as she is. At least that's what "American Housewife" is trying to portray.

Unfortunately, "American Housewife" fails in playing the "I accept who I am." card because the joke is always about Katie being worried that she'll be the second fattest housewife in town when her overweight neighbor leaves. It's contradicting.

"American Housewife" also gives off an angsty atmosphere where Katie acts like everyone hates her due to her weight, including her kids specifically her eldest daughter Taylor, as pointed out by The New York Times. Her popular daughter happens to enjoy exercising and Katie assumes that her daughter aims to be perfect just like the skinny moms she hates.

The comedy series focuses too much on the main character and ends up making the other characters a bit insignificant. Katie is supposed to empower overweight women but "American Housewife" makes her seem so egocentric that it's unappealing to watch another episode.

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