'Fresh Off The Boat' is ABC's comedy TV series about a taiwanese family living in America. The show is based from the life of a food personality and chef, Eddie Huang from his memoir book, 'Fresh Off The Boat'. The TV series, 'Fresh Off The Boat' is the first series in American television featuring an Asian-American family who migrated to United States to reach their American dream.
'Fresh Off The Boat' is based from Eddie Huang's real life story. 'Fresh Off The Boat's released of first two episodes have reach almost 8 million viewers. It has become one of the highest rated comedy premiere during its first launch in 2015 at ABC.
The first episode of Season 3 of 'Fresh Off The Boat' was partly shot in Taiwan. The show runner of the show 'Fresh Off The Boat' has promised Taiwan, the home base of the Asian-American family of the show that they would soon launch an episode filmed in Taiwan, and so they did.
ABC's hit comedy 'Fresh Off The Boat' for its Season 3 premiere was filmed in Taipei for a three-day duration last August. The cast, Louis (plays by Randall Park) kickstarted the show by bringing his family to Taiwan to reconcile with this brother Gene (plays by Ken Jeong) and be re-invited in his wedding, according to TV Guide.
For 'Fresh Off The Boat' premiere of Season 3, the show dealt about the home of the Huang family being an Asian-American immigrants and going back to their home. As the Huang family were so excited to go back to their home country, the excitement has become lesser and lesser each day.
During the premiere of Season 3 of 'Fresh Off The Boat', Louis Huang who's quite a successful Asian-American pursuing an American dream finally finds out that his brother Gene has become more successful in their home country. He has gone jealous and tried to ruin his grand wedding with a Taiwanese celebrity, which Louis thought it's too good to be true.
However, when the wedding approached, Louis misbehaving has gone quite worse and in the end, he mentioned that the reason why he was acting that way was because he had to go through a lot of hard work in America to provide a better future for his family. Randall Park playing Louis Huang on 'Fresh Off The Boat' started wondering if the success he has in America is enough.
Meanwhile, the premiere episode of 'Fresh Off The Boat' Season 3 has also centered on Louis Huang's strict Asian cultured wife, Jessica Huang (plays by Constance Wu) who plays a good character as a very cultured Asian strict mom of three kids named Eddie (plays by Hudson Yang), Emery (Forrest Wheeler) and Evan (Ian Chen). Jessica's expectation of going back to their home land was quite disappointing.
For Jessica's part on 'Fresh Off The Boat' premiere episode of Season 3, she took her three boys out to embrace the culture of their homeland. However, her three sons have yet to embrace the culture due to weather conditions, state of living and everything else not related on how they grew up in Orlando.
Here we come Uncle Gene @kenjeong! Here we come #Taiwan!! #FreshOffTheBoat season premiere starting soon!! #GrandHotel pic.twitter.com/6CXh5TKshK
— Forrest Wheeler (@wheeler_forrest) October 12, 2016
'Fresh Off The Boat' Season 3 premiere ended with Louis accepting his brother's fate being a successful man being married to a wonderful, beautiful woman. Louis might not have made it back home to become as successful as his brother, but his life and home will always be in Orlando. Jessica has realized that the fun she thought she had in Taiwan has been long gone. She respects it as her home land but nothing beats home like Orlando.
Constance Wu of 'Fresh Off The Boat' as Jessica Huang talked about bringing the crew to Taiwan and that some of the new cast were local talents, according to her interview in Variety. Jessica Huang mentioned the strong ties of the story of 'Fresh Off The Boat' which lies on an immigrant family heading back home with their children who never set foot in Taiwan.
'Fresh Off The Boat' has already reached its third season with a surprise setting which is in Taiwan. The Asian-American family comedy series has gone successful over the past year due to the concept and the real-life story of Eddie Huang. Another episode is set to hit on TV screens on ABC, 18th of October, according to IMDB.