‘Pokémon GO’ Gen 2 News Update: Here’s Why Spending Candies On Pidgey, Squirtle & Rattata Is A Waste Of Time

"Pokémon GO" Generation 2 is expected to roll out in the coming months. Speculations about the upcoming update are abounding such as the introduction of rare Pokémon and Legendary creatures Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos.

There are speculations that plenty of Gen 1 Pokémon would get evolutions in "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 including Crobat, Bellosom, Politoed, Slowking, Steelix, Hitmontop, Blissey, Kingdra, Scizor, Espeon, Umbreon, and Porygon 2, Parent Herald previously reported. Of course, these "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 evolutions would likely require many Candies, according to Neurogadget.

In "Pokémon GO," Candies can be acquired by catching Pokémon in the wild and hatching Eggs. Niantic also introduced the Buddy System as a way to get more Candies.

"Pokémon GO" players can pick a Buddy Pokémon to accompany them in their journeys in exchange for Candies. This feature, however, only gives a small amount of Candies for each kilometer walked by users.

Many players believe that the Candies are more useful in the new evolutions in "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 than in common Pokémon such as Pidgey, Rattata, and Squirtle. Porygon 2, for instance, would likely require "Pokémon GO" players to catch plenty of Porygons for its evolved form. Scyther, on the other hand, needs a special item before it evolves and usually requires a trade first before an evolution.

Other rumored features in "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 are breeding and baby eggs, which could introduce Pichu, Pikachu's baby form. More starter Pokémon options are expected as well such as Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile from "Pokémon Gold and Silver."

"Pokémon GO" Gen 2 could include region-locked Pokémon when it introduces its new batch of monsters. There are speculations that players would only acquire the Normal-type Pokémon Miltank in North America and the Bug/Fighting-type Pokémon Heracross would only be found in Asia.

Niantic's CEO and founder John Hanke hinted in July that "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 could include a larger function for PokéStops. According to Hanke, it's "a pretty cool idea that you can acquire an object that changes the function of a PokéStop and gives it a new ability," The Verge reported.

"Pokémon GO's" latest update introduced new features such as catch bonus and a revamped Gym training experience. Update the game via iTunes and Google Play.

"Pokémon GO" Gen 2 is rumored to be released in March 2017. Are you excited for "Pokémon GO" Gen 2? What other missing features do you want to see in the update? Tell us your thoughts below.

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