Commotio Cordis: Tufts Medical Center Discovers A Chest Protector Proven Effective Against Sudden Cardiac Arrest Arrest In Sports

Heart disease has been one of the top killers in the world that affect people of all ages. Recently, it has been revealed that the most affected of this condition are the people engaged in sports.

Did you know that athletes are prone to cardiac arrest? Well, medical experts revealed that athletes have higher risks to suffer from the condition called Commotio cordis, which is now the common cause of sudden deaths in sports, especially in youth baseball.

Dubbed by doctors as "cardiac concussion," Commotio cordis has a survival rate of 24 percent. Based on the recorded statistics sent to Parent Herald via an email, there have been more than 224 cases reported in the United States and 95 percent of the said cases affected males.

In addition, Commotio cordis commonly occurs in ages between 10 and 18 years and during competitive sports. However, there have been documented cases between the ages of 7 weeks to 51.

Commotio cordis is described as an experience with a sudden rounded impact on the chest that causes sudden death without the trace of cardiac damage. It causes tragic disruption of the heart's rhythm in sports like baseball, lacrosse and other sports for youngsters, which use a bat, ball and hand strikes.

Sports communities and doctors are now fully aware of this condition. But the side effects of Commotio cordis are virtually unknown to either the athletes or their parents.

Fortunately, Tufts Medical Center found an athletic gear proven to be an effective against a common cause of sudden cardiac arrest. The so-called HART® Protector, patented by Unequal Technologies, is a chest protector that has been developed to significantly reduce the risk of this deadly episode.

The Unequal HART® protector was tested at Tufts Medical Center by a team of cardiologists and medical practitioners, which include Dr. Mark Link, a certified cardiac electro physiologist and leading worldwide authority on Commotio cordis.

Link said that after the extensive testing, Unequal HART® protection is the only effective chest protector that could effectively prevent the occurrence of Commotio cordis. Meanwhile, Unequal CEO and Founder Rob Vito stressed that the company aims to make the world of sports as a safer place for competitive athletes by providing a reliable protection for them.

"Most people now are aware of the serious threat a 'head' concussion poses to athletes but awareness of deadly 'cardiac' concussions - Commotio Cordis - is unbelievably low," Vito stated. "The threat of Commotio is too serious to ignore... Unequal's mission is to create awareness for Commotio and help protect and preserve the athlete's mental and physical health with products like our Halo and Gyro headgear and our revolutionary HART® Protector, which has created a new category of effective protection against Commotio Cordis, giving athletes and parents peace of mind."

The press release also highlighted the sad reality that 33 percent of Commotio cordis deaths occurred while an athlete was wearing a chest protection gear. Hence, experts stressed to be aware of this condition and the people from Unequal highly recommends to use HART®.

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