Separated Conjoined Twin Boys Latest Update: Parents Relieved, Hoping For The Best Amid Babies' Stable Condition

The twin boys conjoined at the head from Ohio but are now in New York City were successfully separated via a 27-hour operation. They are now recovering but it is a long way of recovery. The parents or the twin boys, Nicole and Christian McDonald, said in a recent statement that they are relieved but still hoping for the best.

In a recent interview with Nicole and Christian, they told CNN that one of the 13-month-old twins, Jadon, was able to move his left arm up to his mouth. Nicole said that it was a wave of relief for them and is a kind of relief they have never experienced in the past. According to Nicole, after Jadon got out of surgery at 7 A.M. on Friday until 2 P.M. on Monday, he was only able to move his right side. Although it was just normal for Jadon to not feel anything on his right side, his parents were concerned that he would not regain movement.

Jadon has also shown more progress the next day. He reportedly started to grab at his breathing tube on Tuesday morning as he tried to pull it off. He has also smiled as his parents when he saw them.

The other twin, Anias, however, has more recovery to do. He reportedly continues to have more seizures and is being treated with the medication Keppra and Ativan. These are used for seizures that last longer than 30 minutes. Anias' surgery lasted six hours longer than that of Jadon due to breathing problems and heart issues.

The father of the twins, Christian, said that they are taking it one day at a time and dwell more on the positive things. Nicole also said that if she stays patient, she will see the same type of progress for Anias. Anias was able to open his eyes since the surgery. Doctors also said that the heart rate and blood pressure of Anias calms whenever his mother is near.

Morning Ledger reported that Jadon and Anias were born in Chicago in September. The head doctor in charge of the operation told the parents of the boys that the children will have to go back to being a month old and re-learn a lot of things such as walking and rolling around.

A GoFundMe page for the twin boys now has more than $260,000 in donation. Nicole and Christian are now asking other people who want to donate to give the money to a friend of theirs instead whose child needs kidney transplant.

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