Information has emerged regarding the teased hero Sombra in the hit Blizzard game "Overwatch." As it is "Overwatch" Sombra clue hunters are in for a treat.
As previously reported on Parent Herald, the countdown timer on for the "Overwatch" ARG ended on Oct 18. Much to the disappointment of "Overwatch" fans, the countdown ended not with a Sombra reveal or to a link to a reveal.
Being a hero isn't always black and white... | Fanart sketch collection by @art_wilkins (
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 11, 2016
Instead "Overwatch" fans saw another prompt in the "hack" screen. After the timer (which has been ticking away since August) hit 100 percent, what "Ovewatch" visitors are presented with now are a few lines mentioning an upload to Bastion, the AI Omnic.
Considering Sombra's hacking abilities, this may be an allusion to her ability to hack as an "Overwatch" hero. It may even be a clue that this hacking ability can control or disrupt Omnic heroes such as Bastion (and possibly even Genji and Zenyatta), and not just turrets as previously speculated by "Overwatch" fans.
Needless to say "Overwatch" players waiting for a reveal at 100 percent were bitterly disappointed. However on closer inspection, the page may actually include a reveal - an "Overwatch" patch number that may bring Sombra with it.
Looking at the source code, an HTML comment can be identified by "Overwatch" fans with the following characters: v1. HTML comments are only really there for developers.
However since this is an ARG and hacking is one of Sombra's staples (and got many ARG'ers to this point) - there is almost certainly an "Overwatch" clue here. The question marks are obviously another "Overwatch" tease.
However they could very well stand for "version", while the number "" could be an "Overwatch" patch number. Considering that on Oct 18 the "Overwatch" version number is "", Blizzard fans may not be too far away.
Possibly even the next "Overwatch" deployment. Almost certainly this could be so in the next main "Overwatch" patch.
As to when this date will be, given the number of ASCII skulls stumbled upon the ARG the best bet for "Overwatch" fans is still on the Mexican holiday "Day Of The Dead." This is the first of November and the end of the three week-long "Overwatch" Halloween Terror event.
No doubt to wrap up the Halloween event, another "Overwatch" patch has to be released on that day. That "Overwatch" patch may very well include the much anticipated new hero Sombra.
"Overwatch" is currently available on Playstation 4, PC and Xbox One. Have you had the chance to look at this new "Overwatch" trail?