Tech billionaire Elon Musk revealed last Friday his vision of replacing traditional energy sources with solar power, developing a new battery system for every home and producing more electric cars in the future.
As Tesla and SolarCity prepare to merge, Musk summarizes his plans by showing an image of a house with stylish solar roofs and in the garage a new Powerwall 2 battery system which supplies solar energy for the entire household and serves as a car charger for its owners' Tesla. From Tesla's Twitter account, the formula for success is as simple as Tesla + SolarCity = solar roofs + batteries + electric cars. This harmonious ecosystem is what excites many.
Tesla SolarCity future: solar roofs batteries electric cars
— Tesla (@TeslaMotors) October 29, 2016
While the cost of the solar roof is yet to be determined and the launch date is still kept secret, a lot of people are starting to get interested and hyped about the fantastic future that Musk's empire is trying to envision. The Tesla CEO and SolarCity chairman says he wants to sell these solar roofs at a much cheaper price and his goal is to make it stronger and more aesthetically pleasing than the ones that are currently produced in the market.
During the previous announcements of the merger, some were sceptical about this move and has questioned Musk over and over again why a car company is willing to buy a solar energy company. Musk, however, reminds them that purpose of Tesla is not to manufacture cars but its priority is to "accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy." Although not everyone is optimistic about this utopian future, many are still betting on Musk's capability to turn this dream into reality.
In an article by LA Times, Musk said that "the key is to make solar look good. We want you to call your neighbors over and say, 'Check out this sweet roof.'"