School Age Dilemma: Why Adjusting A Child For School Can Be Tough

It takes a lot of time for children to adjust in school, some of them find it hard because they do not get enough sleep and some of them find it hard because they struggle to make friends there. Every child has their own reasons to not to go to school.

Monday morning are the worst for the kids as it is the start of the week and they have to wake up early and go to school. Some of them shed tears until they leave home and some of them try to find excuses to miss school.

According to Aha Parenting, parents can help children adjust to the start of school by making a good bonding relationship with their teacher. If a child's bonding is great with their teacher, then they do not find it hard to go to school. In schools, teachers play the role of a mother so that children find school easier.

Most of the children are usually scared to go to school as everything is new for them but a parent can solve this issue if they spend time talking with their child about preschool even before it starts, according to Kids Health. The best way is to make them ready for everything that happens in school before it even starts so by doing this, a parent will be providing refuge for their child's fears.

In addition, there are several factors that makes children wary to go school. The other thing that makes a child anxious is when their parents do not come to school on time to pick them up.

A child expects to see their parents as soon as the home bell rings and when it does not happen, they usually cry or feel anxious. So, one important thing that a parent can do is to arrive a few minutes early to pick them up so that their day ends on a good note.

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