Hillary Clinton's candidacy is in hot waters after her campaign chairman John Podesta was dragged into the controversial spirit cooking dinner. The spirit cooking controversy was linked to satanism and Hillary Clinton's presidential race.
According to CNET, the hashtag #SpiritCooking trends on Friday morning. Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta was reportedly invited in a spirit cooking dinner where many linked to cult, black magic and satanism.
The #SpiritCooking controversy springs from Marina Abramovic's dinner invitation to Tony Podesta and John Podesta. Check the exchange of emails here. Along with this are photos of gory and scary work of arts painted on the wall that seems to be linked with blood.
The alleged spirit cooking includes blood, sperm and breast milk. Spirit cooking is not the usual cooking, it is a recipe to cook out thoughts. For instance, the recipe would include 13,000 grams of jealousy and the likes, making it easy to relate into sorcery.
The Podestas' "Spirit Cooking" dinner?
It's not what you think.
It's blood, sperm and breastmilk.
But mostly blood.https://t.co/gGPWFS3B2H pic.twitter.com/I43KiiraDh— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 4, 2016
Many conclude that Hillary Clinton's campaign manager turned to satan to win in the upcoming election. Many linked the #Spirit Cooking controversy to the Democratic candidate's presidential race. One tweet says that Lucifer has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton.
****BREAKING**** Lucifer himself has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton. #SpiritCooking pic.twitter.com/ZRsbVSZjL5 — Steve Hirsch (@Stevenwhirsch99) November 4, 2016
However, before Hillary Clinton's critics jump into conclusion and before the #SpiritCooking turns into witchcraft or satanism, one should reconsider these reports. Marina Abramovic is an artist and the use of spirit cooking in her invitations doesn't mean anything. She just refers it to her book published in 1996 with artistic recipes.
Marina Abramovic told ArtNews that she was outraged for taking her words out of context. The controversial spirit cooking dinner was a usual dinner that was a reward for the donors who supported her Kickstarter campaign.
Marina Abramovic added that John Podesta didn't make it in the dinner. The artist has never meet Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in person. Thus, dragging Hillary Clinton's candidacy in witchcraft, sorcery and satanism via John Podesta's who never attended the controversial spirit cooking dinner would be unreasonable.
How do you find the spirit cooking controversy? Do you believe that Hillary Clinton's candidacy could be influenced by satanism? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.