'Doctor Strange' Latest News & Updates: Dangerous Due To Demonic Occult Deception?

The 14th film in the Marvel cinematic universe "Doctor Strange" is already out in theaters. Benedict Cumberbatch who played the character in the title also confirmed that he will return to "The Avengers: Infinity War" with a question whether or not the fans might want it.

According to Slash film, the movie is on par to create at least $75 million or maybe $85 million. Indeed, the new franchise of Marvel has delivered the goods however there are also shortcomings, which makes it truly great. Well, nothings perfect and in the first place, it has set the groundwork having a promising new character with mesmerizing action and visuals.

There is no doubt how the movie received excellent reviews so far. Yet according to a report in Christian Times, the movie is dangerous as reviewed by a film critic due to the fact that black arts of the occult are being introduced to moviegoers.

The chair of the Christian Film & Television Commission, Dr. Ted Baehr, already expressed his denouncement because occult practices appeared to be acceptable and cool in the movie even if it is condemned by the Bible.

According to a report in Science Fiction in a press release, "The Bible clearly warns against the kind of occult practices and sorcery the hero in this movie learns to do, in Deuteronomy 18:9-12 and Galatians 5:20. Also in the movie, the hero's New Age occult guru teaches that there may be no afterlife, that death is truly the end, and that this is a good thing."

The verses provided for by Dr. Baehr talks about the unacceptability of occult practices in the eyes of God. He further added, "the practices of divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or cast spells, or who is a medium or consults the dead."

According to Joshua Infantando from United Church of God, Christians are not advised to watch even horror movies, most especially those which promote abhorrent and wicked lifestyle.

However, it really depends upon the moviegoers whether they will believe or not.

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