'Making A Murderer' Season 2 Spoilers & News: Impostor On The Lose! Fake Steven Avery Lawyer Tries Duping DOJ

There's an interesting twist happening in the "Making a Murderer" case of Steven Avery. An impostor, who is pretending to be Steven Avery's lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, is supposedly trying to dupe the Department of Justice (DOJ) in Wisconsin.

It was learned that someone has filed a request with the DOJ to access public records in connection with "Making a Murderer" subject Steven Avery. Kathleen Zellner found out about it when she received a letter from the state office citing the rejection of her supposed request.

Greenbay Press Gazette reports that the fake Steven Avery lawyer used a Gmail account for its DOJ request in September under the name Kathleen Zellner. The impostor was supposedly asking for documents in relation to "the motion for DNA testing" in the "Making a Murderer" case.

But the lawyer for "Making a Murderer" subject Steven Avery did not file for any such requests. "We are in possession of these documents and would have no reason to be requesting duplicate documents," Kathleen Zellner said.

According to Law Newz, Kathleen Zellner chided the DOJ for wasting its time with the fake request when it could have been verified with her first. The state's DOJ spokesman said that it was the first time they have encountered an impostor relating to the "Making a Murderer" case.

Meanwhile, Dean Strang and Jerry Buting, who were the former lawyers for "Making a Murderer" subject Steven Avery, have expressed excitement over the latest DNA testing. Because this entailed newer and more advanced methods, the evidence may indeed help overturn Steven Avery's case.

"If it turns out that the blood in the Toyota is older than the car itself - is 10 years older than the time at which it's found, then that's also good at getting us to the truth," Bunting said, per The Sun. Dean Strang and Jerry Buting, who were featured in the first season of "Making a Murderer" were fired by Steven Avery after they failed to keep him off prison for being convicted of killing Teresa Halbach.

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