TeeBoy Has His Nose Reconstructed For The Second Time And It Was A Success; Thanks To 3D Printing

A teenage boy from the Marshall Islands had to go on a nose surgery for the second time due to an infection once again disfigured his fixed nose. It was on November 10 that he once again had a chance to have his nose back and it is all because of Dr. Tal Dagan.

In an article published by The New York Daily News, 16-year-old Dallan Jennet is fortunate enough to have his nose fixed for the second time, and it even looks great. Dr. Dagan, a surgeon who works at Mount Sinai in New York, is generous enough to reconstruct the boy's nose to have his normal life back.

The story of Jennet would make everyone hopeful and never lose hope. It all started back when he was nine years old and has met an accident that made him lost his nose. He attempted to jump to a roof from a tree but has unfortunately hit some electricity wire. He went into an electrical shock, which made him get off the ceiling but had his nose burned. In 2014, Dr. Dagan took a trip to the boy's area through a charity mission, which made him learn about his case.

Then on 2015, he went back to the island to change the boy's life by giving him a brand new nose. According to CBS, Dr. Dagan used an unconventional way of doing surgery that it involved a 3D printer. The initial operation took place in the Marshall Islands, but he had to take the teen to New York for the final touches where the 3D model of the nose was finally attached to his face.

The operation was successful both the first and second time that the teenage boy had to go through it. Do you think Jennet would have his nose reconstructed for the third time after this? Put in your answer below


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