What Happens After You Drink a Can of Coke? Effects & Other Details Here!

Just within 60 minutes of drinking a can of coke, a person's body is drained of calcium, magnesium and zinc, as well as essential sodium, electrolytes and water that supposedly would go to the bones. Drinking a can of coke when thirsty does not replenish the body with the needed fluid but instead it dehydrates the body's system of nutrients essential in building strong bones and teeth.

In fact, just within the first 10 minutes after drinking a can of Coke, a person has already consumed 100 percent of the recommended daily sugar intake, according to a graphic timeline titled "What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke." This graphical representation of how Coke affects the human body, reported by the Dispatch Times, has since gone viral.

The graph has been taking the social media sphere by storm since its first posting by The Renegade Pharmacist in May. According to the pharmacist, he was curious as to why people who are engaged in rigorous low fat diet continue to gain weight even with their doctors guiding them every step of the way.

With the kind of work he has, he had always encountered patients suffering from obesity, heart disease and diabetes. This has motivated him to research and probe what it is actually that causes obesity.

"I actually discovered that a trigger factor for many widespread diseases of the west such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes could be closely linked to the consumption of one particular substance found in many processed foods and drinks - fructose in the form of high fructose corn syrup," the pharmacist wrote. He discovered that Coke is the biggest culprit of obesity and the best way to demonstrate his finding is through the graph.

The first 10 minutes of drinking Coke is equivalent to eating 10 teaspoons of sugar, the graph showed. In 20 minutes, the person has consumed an amount of Caffeine enough to cause the pupils to dilate and the blood pressure to rise. In 45 minutes, the person experience physical stimulation that is similar with how heroin stimulates the human brain. In 60 minutes, the person will start disposing calcium from the body through urination. At this time also, the person has deprived his body of all essential nutrients to keep his bones and teeth strong by flushing them out of the body through urination. In a few seconds after this, the person becomes sluggish, irritable or experience mood swings.

The graph from the pharmacist shocked all the people who have seen it. Some had even stopped from drinking Coke. But the much bigger surprise is that the graph contained information that was already out in the public for five years already. Had the people known it years ago, they might have avoided the carbonated drink as early as 2010.

The bad effect that Coke causes the human body was first detailed by Made Meredith of BlissTree.

"Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? Because it gets you high. They removed the cocaine almost 100 years ago. Why? It was redundant," she wrote at the time.

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