How to Be A Good Parent; Some Tips from Experts

Building up a child's personality and bringing him/her up in a healthy way is not as easy as it appears to be. Due to the lack of experience and maturity, children do not always succeed in reaching their parents' expectations and often end up in many risky and inappropriate friendship circles. However, parents should always make a positive effort to bring their children to the right path by maintaining a friendly relationship and by supporting and guiding them.

Following are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to maintain a healthy parent-child relationship:

* Positive interaction with the child- Avoid sarcasm and always use positive words while talking to the kid.

* Never neglect the child's physical and emotional needs. Find enough time to listen to the kid, even if you are busy.

* Become a role model by following good manners and not hesitating to say "sorry", "please" or "thank you" to the kid when the situation requires it.

* Provide proper support to the child when he/she is angry or not in a good mood, by hugging or cuddling. Enter into a conversation when the kid feels better and try to solve the problem.

* Children should be led on the right path through punishments and restrictions when they do something wrong or break rules. Similarly, parents should appreciate their children's efforts by rewarding them suitably.

* Organize family get-togethers and family games frequently.

* Children with chronic illness and disabilities benefit out of the company of pets.

* Involve the child in household chores, including planning menus, preparing meals and shopping for ingredients.

* Develop the child's interest in books by reading to him/her from the age of six months. Educate the child about the positive and negative impact of the excessive use of TV, computer and video games.

* Take care of the child's health from the very early stages of growth by providing nutritious food, arranging regular health checkups and encouraging the kid to remain physically active through exercise.

* Encourage and help the child to build up positive relationship with friends, family members and the society.

* Trust the child and make it known that you believe in him/her. It is essential for the development of self-esteem.

* Express your love to the kid frequently through statements like "I Love You".

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